📧 Warm Email Looking for Work

Subject: Know anyone who needs design help?

Hi friends!

I just wanted to drop a line since I'm wrapping up some client work and on the hunt for more clients who need help with design — anyone from sole proprietors to brands to startups. All of my clients thus far have come from word of mouth, so I wanted to put it out there to my network: Do you know anyone who might need my services?

Here are my capabilities & services (but I definitely personalize my services based on the client). I specialize in X and X, but I'm mainly looking to work with X, so I'd love to be connected with anyone who might want to work with me.

Here's my website and LinkedIn, in case that's helpful.

Thank you in advance 🙏

📧 Cold Email for a Hiring Company

Hi X,

I saw that you were looking to hire X on ilovecreatives. While you’re filling out that role, if you need any help, would love to chat!

Here are my capabilities & services. Super open to hear if there’s anything that you’ve been wanting to work on and how we might be able to help.

📧 Cold Email as a Designer

Hi X,

Big fan of [your Brand, Business, or you] because ______.

I’m a designer (here’s my portfolio) and had some ideas about your [website, emails, social] that I would love to discuss if you’re open. Of course, super open to hear if there’s anything that you’ve been wanting to work on and how I might be able to help.

No fee for the call/ideas, just a friendly chat! And if you decide to not move forward, no worries as well. Truly, just a big fan!

If you’re free this week, here are a few dates and times. Or happy to discuss over email if it's easier.