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1.1 - Identify Dream Client

In this section, we’ll be creating a brand identity project for your dream client. In each lesson, you’ll watch our process for creating the brand identity for our dream client – a tea brand called New Feels. And then, it’ll be your turn.

Let’s start off this bad boy by picking our ☁️ dream client ☁️ so you can create a rad brand identity.

This will help you figure out what kind of work will be most fulfilling for you. If you’re working on just anything, there might be a chance you won’t like what you’re doing. If you’ve got clients you’re passionate about, it’ll result in better work.

You might already have one in mind. If not, what inspires you? Think about brands you love. Look around your home. Look through Instagram or Pinterest. What catches your eye? What would you have LOVED to work on?

If you need some inspiration, check out our list of CPG categories:

📓 Assignment: Pick Your Dream Client — 2🍪

Write Down 3-5 Potential Options

Pick 1 and let us know why!